Emmanuel, God with us

Emmanuel, God with us

At Christmas time each year, Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Christ. We celebrate His miraculous coming down to Earth. We celebrate Emmanuel, which means “God with Us.” The Almighty, All Powerful, Creator of the Universe came down embodied in human flesh. His flesh, like ours, could be bruised, cut, wounded. His muscles could grow tired and weary of a long day of work. Jesus’ body was dependent on the food and water He himself created. So often we think of Jesus as never having any weakness, but scriptures show his humanity.

Jesus, God in Human Flesh

Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us:

Grew hungry at times, he needed rest at times.
Needed to be by himself to think and pray,
Became stressed in the garden, He had friendships,
Loved, He had been betrayed, He cried,
Had compassion, He was angry in the temple
Felt the sting of grief and sorrow.  
He was despised, rejected by his own town.
Slept in a bed, He woke up in the morning and worked with His hands.
(Mark 6:3 “Isn’t this the carpenter?” (the Greek word of carpenter here is one who is skilled with wood, metal or stone)

He knew timing was important, He didn’t try to push ahead of God’s schedule. He waited until the appointed time before revealing who He was. Jesus left His throne in heaven, came to Earth and endured all the hardships we have to endure daily. Yet still, He preached the gospel relentlessly, with vigor, with purpose, knowing His destiny. Jesus endured all what we have to endure today while also working toward the goal that God had set before him. Jesus knew his mission and didn’t become distracted with the things of this world.

Jesus, In the Flesh

He became Human. God himself, came to be just like us, and overcame the powers, the distractions, the evil in this world. He fulfilled His purpose, and it wasn’t easy. Many times the movies portray Jesus walking around with such grace, and poise, never moving too quickly. No, He was human. Scripture shows us that. It even says in Isaiah 53, “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.”

Jesus, the overcomer

He left heaven, entered the battle ground between God Himself and Satan. He did not come as a warrior with sword in hand as the Jews were expecting, but as a baby. The moment he entered this earth, Satan’s armies worked to destroy him. Seeking to kill, steal the throne, and destroy His Kingdom that is to come. Just as Satan’s armies try to steal, kill and destroy our souls and our future of eternal life in heaven.

Jesus an example for us

Jesus came and did it before us. He showed us how, showed us the way. He showed us how to overcome. It is only through His power. When we look at the life of Jesus, we can find encouragement and an example of how we ought to live. He left us His word, His instructions, His guidebook to everlasting life. Jesus is the only way, the only truth, the only life we will ever need. He is the reason for the season. Jesus is the reason for every breath we breathe. He is our goal, our destiny, all we will ever need.
Celebrate Him. Speak of Him. Speak to Him. Seek Him while he may be found by you.  Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”
Spend some time with Jesus this week. Know He understands your hardships, he lived them, and overcame them. He gives you power to overcome whatever comes your way and he is here for you. He loves you and He will help you. Seek  Him. 
Merry Christmas Y’all!
