Learning New Things

Learning New Things

I am in the process of teaching my 2 year old things that are not fun for Him. (for me either) Every new situation we find ourselves in, comes with new boundaries that he always has to test. As I am going through this process, like I have with my other two children, I know, for now, He will usually not make the right choice. But as he has more opportunities to practice making the right choice, He will get better at it. Going for a walk down the street, entering the Grocery store (not in the buggy, but walking like a big boy), waiting in a waiting room… these all sound like normal everyday scenarios for many, but for the mom of a 2 year old, I can look at it two ways,
1. It’s not fun, usually full of constant correction or
2. I’m giving him new opportunities to be obedient and learn new things. 
I won’t bore you with examples, but I assure you, there are many examples of how every day and every place is an opportunity for him to learn. Right now, he is learning that not only am I His caregiver, boo-boo kisser and mom who makes everything better, but I am also His disciplinarian. I will do whatever it takes to keep my baby boy safe, because I love Him. I’m sure you know, that He doesn’t realize when I say “don’t touch that” it’s for His good. When I say, “don’t run too far” it’s to keep him away from danger. When I say “stay away from there” or “Get back here” It’s always to keep Him safe and away from things that will bring him harm. Unfortunately, he has no idea of this fact… yet.

We too are learning new things

Just like when God brings us correction, we don’t always know the reasons for his correction. We don’t always understand it, but we can rest assured that He loves us with unconditional love. We can rest in the peace of knowing He will always have our best interest at heart. He is looking down the road ahead at things we can’t yet see. He is keeping us from danger and from harm. He is providing all the instruction needed to stay on the good path. But just like Lucas can’t learn these things without being exposed to them. Neither can we.  I have to give him the opportunity to choose, and pursue Him to make the right choice. I have to try and show Him things he doesn’t quite understand so that He will see that I want what is best for Him. (even if sometimes that comes with a spanking!) So too there are many things we can’t learn until we have gone through them, until we have been given the opportunity to make that choice over and over with the Lord there waiting on us to make the right choice.  

Give yourself a break

So today I want to say, don’t be so hard on yourself, it’s okay if you make mistakes in your walk with Christ. Give yourself a break and make no place for the enemy’s lies. I expect my 2 year old to make the wrong choice when he is learning something new. I know in time, as he has practice, He will get better. I am with Him helping him every step of the way.
God is with you and He knows when you’re learning something new that it’s a good possibility you’re going to make the wrong choice a couple of times. He is providing this opportunity to help you grow.
We must acknowledge though, some of us know some things and are expected to be obedient in certain instances. Like me with my teenager for example. I know what she has gone through and what I have taught her. So there are some instances I expect her to behave a certain way, because she has already been through and learned from these mistakes.
It is the same for Christians who have gone through many things. The Lord knows where each of us are in different areas of our lives. He is a big God and He has a big job, but it is in no way too big for Him. He has us all in the palm of His hand. He is guiding and teaching each one of us in so many very different ways.

A new way of thinking

Let this be a new way of looking at your circumstances, problems or situations. It’s all a learning experience. By thinking this way we give no opportunity to the enemy to come in telling us lies. If  we decide to look at the situation as a learning experience and that we are given the opportunity to make the right decision. Maybe choosing correctly gets a little easier for us! We won’t always get it right. But the more times we get it right, the better we become at it!
I don’t know what it is that you may be working on in your life, but don’t give up. Don’t let the enemy whisper “you are a failure” because you are not. You and I are learning, every day we are learning how to live this life as a Christian, better than yesterday. It will be a forever process and I know God is walking along side of you and me with a never-ending supply of encouragement, love, and mercy. He sets before us choices every day, hoping we will make the right ones. If we are aware of this, it will help us to make wiser decisions and live lives more pleasing to our Father in heaven.  
I hope this message was an encouragement to you. If so, let us know by emailing us at Wordoffaithms@gmail.com or sending a message on Facebook.  Love yall! Have a great week!!
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