The Words we Speak

The words we Speak

One Sunday Morning as we sang these lyrics My heart burst within me at each word. The importance of the words we speak just rang clear in my mind. I hope I explain this clearly and it touches your heart as well. The lyrics to this song that sparked this devotion are: You say, “Speak”,  We say, “Move”.  You say, “Watch what I can do”. Then it says, You say “Trust”, then You prove, you’re the God who moves the Mountains.


God says to us, “Speak” God is waiting on a request from us, Angels are waiting on command from us, We have this power within these earthen vessels… What are we doing with it? 
God says to you today, Speak to your situation, ask of God to move in your situation. He is not deaf He hears you. His heart is not hardened toward you, he cares for you. He is waiting on us day and night for an invitation to allow Him to work in our lives. Waiting minute by minute for an invitation to come and spend time together. Today God says to you and I, “Speak”.

After We Speak, We Move

When we speak we must ask God to “Move”
There is no power of our own words, no power with in us that comes from our own strength, the only power we have belongs to Him and He grants us authority to move in and through it. If we have a situation in which we are coming to God, we must always ask Him to Move in it. Do whatever it is that You need to do God. Come in and take control. I Invite you Lord into my life, into my home, into my situations, into my every day life. Have it all and take over my life. It is no longer mine, but it is yours. Whatever it is, It is Yours. Move Lord. Whatever you need to do Lord, Do it in me!

Then Watch

Then He says, “Watch”
Oh this one gets me down in my bones. But do I do it? I’m afraid I don’t like the honest answer to that question. Do I sit back and let Him work? Do I keep my eyes on what He is doing in and through that situation that I asked Him to intervene in? I can definitely use some work in that area. God says Watch what I can do. Just you watch. You’ve asked me to move, now give me some room, get out the way and see what I can do. Oh, be still my heart.


He say’s “Trust”
Isn’t that just the perfect next word. Because what happens when we ask God to move then in the midst of out “watching” it may begin to feel like waiting… and we do not like to wait. We start to believe nothing is being done and then once we have had all we can stand of that we start to get involved and try and fix it ourselves…. then disaster strikes. We must remember in our Watching season that God is moving, but not all things that are moving are moving in the natural. There is a Spiritual side that God is more concerned about. Because, after all, it is our Soul that will end up in eternal joy or eternal pain. His desire is for you, know that, and trust Him that He will work all things out for your good.


Then He will “Prove”
When we make it through the trusting phase without giving up and getting involved. If push through without growing impatient and thinking we can fix things… Then we will get to the best part. He will prove to you that He is the God who can move the mountains that appear before you. His proving will strengthen you and help you to get through the next “watching” period. So remember this, and don’t miss out another opportunity for Him to prove Himself. He will do what He say’s He will do, He is not a man that He would lie. Our God is truth, and He says He cares for you. If he cares for even the birds how much more will he care for you? If he clothes the grass of the field with flowers, how much more will he clothe you? He is called Jehovah Jireh, My Provider, He will provide. He is Faithful -there is no one faithful like Him.
So be encouraged, when you come to a situation, God says, speak to it and ask me to move, trust me and watch what I will do for you. Amen!
If this devotion has encouraged you, please send it to a friend or family member to encourage them too!

More Encouragement

Would you like more of Gods word in your life today? Check out our Sermons page and listen to a sermon and worship service or read more devotions like this one. Also, we have a prayer requests page where you can send in your prayer requests to us. We know the importance of prayer and are willing to stand beside you to fight your battles. It would be great to hear from you, you can email us at or come visit us Sunday mornings at 10:30 am here! Thanks for your visit to our site! Have a great day!
