What are you focusing on?


What are you Focusing On?

The theme of Sunday’s service was heavily influenced by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit landed upon these words: What are you focusing on?

So we ask ourselves, what is at the center of our minds throughout the day?

What do we pay the most attention to throughout the day? 

What do we find ourselves meditating on throughout the day?


When we focus on a thought, an action, a task, a memory, or a topic, it becomes the main thought in our minds. And it seems like the problem becomes enlarged. Well, it has, in our mind. When we focus on something, it takes up more in our thoughts throughout the day.


Lets look at it this way: 

Imagine your thoughts are separated into categories, thought most often and thought of least often. What would be at the top of that list today? Then let’s say we simplified these categories and placed them into two groups. Positive and Negative.

Which would take up the most space in your thoughts? Positive thoughts, or negative ones such as worry, fear, anxiety, stress? 

The truth is, we
all dwell on negative thoughts way too often.

This topic is nothing new to ponder or discuss. We know what we should be doing, but do we do it?


What can we do to change our focus?

As much as I would love to give you a quick fix, there simply isn’t one. The only way to change is to change. It takes purposeful thinking, commitment, and determination to change, and no one likes those words. But, the good news is, it does get easier! -Notice I said easier, not easy.

In the Bible, in Philippians chapter 4,
we find an encouragement to stand firm in the Lord.

To rejoice always! To not become anxious about things but instead take our problems, worries, and concerns to the Lord. Paul’s advice is to pray to the Lord. Take your cares, worries and concerns to Him. Get this- it doesn’t say He will solve our problems, fix our mistakes, or change our circumstances (although He could and sometimes does). Instead, it says, “The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

He will give us peace in our troubled situation, and He will guard our hearts and our minds. 

OH! LORD! Guard my heart and mind in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

When I read this verse on Sunday, I realized many times I’m looking for God to bring a solution to the problem I am bringing Him and when He doesn’t I grow anxious and worried and fearful. I noticed that I need to consider more often (because, like I said, we all already know this!) that He may not fix this issue, but I can look for and wait upon the peace He promises to bring, and ask Him to guard my heart and mind as I go through whatever He is having me go through. And when the peace comes I can rejoice and be thankful for the peace, regardless if my problem remains.

Take courage today, stand firm in the Lord, rejoice in Him, and find more reasons for rejoicing!


Take your worries to Him and let him bring peace to your situation today. The Bible goes on to say in Philippians 4 to not allow your thoughts to become stuck on negative ways of thinking but instead mediate on anything good, anything lovely, anything of good report! Paul writes to us while sitting in a jail cell. His advice is that there is always a reason to rejoice and to focus our thoughts on what is good.


If he can celebrate in a Roman prison with the possibility of a death sentence, I think we can find a reason to celebrate no matter our circumstances.
