Why are you so afraid?

Why Are You So Afraid?

When I read those words, I knew Jesus was asking me, just as he asked his disciples all those years ago.. My insides became tense all over and I was flooded with emotions. Thankful for correction, sorry for my mistake, loved by His presence, yet disheartened by my worry and fear. I didn’t believe Him at His word, like I had let Him down, yet I know I could never let Him down. 
All these feelings came from reading a simple story found in Mark 4…. 

Mark 4 Jesus calms the storm.

Click Here to read Mark chapter 4. Or if your familiar with the story, just read on. Some important details to remember are as follows.
Jesus spoke to many in parables so that only some will understand. 

Vs. 34 He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when  he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.

As mentioned in verse 34, … when He was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything. I love that. Here we can see that it is in the alone time with Jesus where we will have the hard things explained to us. Many times we read and we ask God for understanding and wisdom of the scriptures but we have to discipline ourselves to spending alone time with Him. If we do, he will explain everything.  

Next, we see Jesus go into the boat with the disciples. He says, come, vs. 35 “Let us go to the other side.” 36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. Here, they left the crowd behind them, on their journey to “the other side”. I find we often need to leave the crowd behind us, get Jesus in our “boat” and head over to “the other side”.  

The Other Side

When we leave the crowd get alone with Jesus and head over to the other side, there we will find revelation, inspiration, divine purpose and our calling. The Other side is what we were created to do. Ask yourself, do you know you were created for a purpose? Scripture says you are. God has called you and is continually calling you to come closer with him to “the other side” He longs for one on one time with you so that He can develop you into the person he has created you to become. Don’t fight the process. Get in the boat and head on over!

Suddenly a furious squall came up…

As the disciples got into the boat with Jesus, and began their journey to “the other side” a furious squall came up.. A storm arose, and waves were crashing their boat. In life, we journey though storms here and there and we always feel like the disciples did. “Do you even care if we die?” The storm in this story is proof that even when we are with Jesus, even when we have Jesus “in our boat” troubles come. And just as these disciples did, when our troubles come we often run to Jesus and say… Father!! Father!! Don’t you see what’s happening around me??!! Take notice! Pay attention! Hey! I have some trouble down here!! Hey, where are you? Help me!!!! completely forgetting that Jesus is “in our boat” we frantically run to him distraught and fearful of the storms raging and waves crashing into our boat. 

Why Are You So Afraid? Do you still have no faith?

Having Jesus in our boat, we must remember, he has the power to still any storm and calm any raging sea. In our worry and in our doubt we run to Jesus and He simply asks us just as He asked His disciples then,  vs. 40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

He spoke straight to my heart

This is when it happened, I read those words, and as mentioned above… I could feel all my insides tense with urgency. I knew God was asking me, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith? A little embarrassed, a little disheartened and sorrowful, I simply apologized for my worry and fear. Thankful for His faithful love and compassion, I reassured myself… Don’t be Afraid. Have Faith. 

He asks you too: Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?

Many times, we find ourselves in these situations, and God says to us just as He did the disciples…
After all we have been through together, do you really think I don’t see you?
Do you really think you are alone? Or Do you really think I have left you to die in this “boat”?
He responds in all confidence:  Absolutely not. Have faith.

Don’t be afraid. Have Faith.

We can then wonder… If he asked them, “why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

Then wouldn’t that mean he expected his disciples to not be fearful in the midst of the storm. He expected his disciples to have faith in him, no matter what storm raged around them. 

They (and We too!) should have faith in Jesus that he can make the impossible possible just as he had done before their eyes time and time again. 

Remember today, Have faith enough in Jesus that when the storms come in our lives we will not be afraid but we will put our hope and trust in Him. Have Faith.  

