
Devotions and Encouragement: Overwhelmed

Have you ever just been overwhelmed? Of course we can all say at some point or another we have been. Whether it was something we really should be overwhelmed about is another topic for another day maybe. Well, one day God gave me an example to help me change my perspective when I am feeling overwhelmed. I hope it speaks to you as it did me.

Needlessly Overwhelmed

Needlessly, and unknowingly overwhelmed, I could picture myself standing doing some sort of balancing act with spinning plates. The spinning plates being all my responsibilities hopes, dreams and things expected of me.  All these “plates” were high above my head on different sized sticks, just imagine a plate spinner at a circus showing off their talent! Except, I wasn’t showing off any talent. I had lots of plates, and it was quite the task to keep them all up and spinning.

Loss of Focus

All I could focus on were these plates. They consumed my thoughts, and to think of them falling was not an option, The pressure and was too much to bear. It overwhelmed my very being. As I watched them spin, I regained my balance every second, doing my best to keep them all up. Suddenly, the thought came to mind, “How in the world am I holding this many plates? I only have 2 hands.” Then I decided to look down to find out how, full of fear of everything crashing to the floor, I decided to go for it. I looked down. To my surprise, they were all floating above me and all around me. Completely confused, and a bit relieved, I heard God say, “You’re not the one holding the plates, I Am.” Suddenly peace and calm flooded my mind, security and safety surrounded me. Foolishly, I thought I was keeping all those things going, as if I could handle such a thing. And then I realized, all that stress and pressure was for nothing… it was all a complete lie. What an utter loss of focus, all that time it was on the plates and nothing else, how could I be fooled so easily?

Stressed and Worried

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that are simply too much for us to handle, we stress and worry and scramble. Our minds become flooded with thoughts on how to accomplish the task at hand, we work with everything in us to handle it all skillfully. It causes us to become completely and needlessly overwhelmed. But, If we simply take our eyes off of that situation and set them on our Father. He gently reminds us He has all things in His control.

God’s in Control

Our God is there for us like no one else can be, He is The Great I Am. Anything that we could ever have need of, He is the answer. He is our provider, our shelter, our peace, our joy, our comforter, our very present help in time of need. All the many responsibilities, pressures, problems, relationships that cause us stress, worry, fear and anxiety. God is forever aware of what is going on in our lives, and He watches over us. Don’t ever forget, God’s in control. Remembering this, brings peace. If you are God’s child, He has you in the palm of His hand and there is nothing going on in your life right now or ever that He doesn’t know about. He is concerned about it all and He is still in as much control of your life as He ever was. Even in the midst of what may seem like chaos, He sees it all. Your God is well able to keep everything moving just as it should. So please keep all things prayer, because He cares for you. Your God will not fail you, The loving hands of our Father are more than capable. Today make a choice to take your eyes of the “plates” in your life that leave you feeling overwhelmed and put them on your Father. He has it all under control.

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